The LMS integration - every scaling company's best kept secret


适合公司的LMS是 无缝合作伙伴 在建立知识方面. Building that knowledge can start from the second a contract is signed, throughout 新员工培训, 直到实现.

When you’re scaling, you welcome talented people every week. Each new starter wants to have everything they need when they need it. How can already str等hed HR teams take care of every new starter 和 maintain their strategic work?

答案在于自动化. 自动化的关键是正确的LMS集成.

自动化新员工培训. 扩展你的员工体验.

The best way to help every new starter is to offer onboarding programs that are timely, 个性化的, 和 身临其境的. 但是当入职是一个手动过程时, 人力资源团队仅限于管理任务, 分配培训项目, 管理日记. 在规模不断扩大的公司里, the workload here can leave some HR reps feeling like they never get to flex their people skills. 这不是他们被雇佣的原因. People teams deserve to dig into the strategic work around employee engagement 和 satisfaction. 要做到这一点,他们必须把自己从管理中解放出来.


Automating staff onboarding can sound as though the human touch is being removed. If you automate Slack to remind your new starter to join an online training, 这不是错过了一个机会吗 了解别人?

当你不知所措的时候,你是不可能了解别人的. 当LMS和HRIC系统没有集成时, an onboarding schedule might be a carefully calibrated spreadsheet of hundreds of rows of new starters, 日期列, 和课程. HR teams have to work slowly 和 carefully through multiple systems to allocate every event based on job role, 资历水平, 和 start date (和 let’s not even think about that one person whose onboarding doesn’t make it onto the list). 电子表格越大,出错的风险就越大.

You also can’t get to know people when you’re constantly answering questions. 我的第一个发薪日是什么时候? 我如何获得我的个人发展预算? 我有什么选择为我的技术设置? 回答这些问题会占用人力资源大量的时间. When you automate 新员工培训, those questions can be answered upfront. 例如,通过薪资101课程 LMS自动分配 给每一个新员工发邮件. Or in a live onboarding session that new joiners automatically receive invites for. Whatever format you prefer, the common denominator is automating the delivery of essential content. 如果做得好,人力资源就不用手动回答了 同样的问题一遍又一遍地问.

Create outst和ing first impressions from the moment they sign

想象一下,几周后你将开始一份新工作. 你登录到你的新G-Suite帐户, 和 your calendar is already packed with exciting onboarding sessions. Keen to read up on your new employer's ways of working, you accept an invite to their LMS. Logging in, you're already assigned to the company's h和book. 在第一天上班之前,你觉得自己被照顾得很好.

Automations make this kind of pre-boarding experience possible at scale. To automate these steps, you need to integrate your LMS with your HRIC systems. 一旦完成, HR teams can lay out an entire onboarding program that’s optimized for day one, 第二天, 第21天. 无论是“信息安全”, “101年金融”, 或“文化价值”, your custom pathway will automatically allocate the right pathway to every last learner.


将Sana与您的人力资源技术集成很容易. Our LMS integration only takes one day to complete 和 works with most HR tech stacks.


需要不同平台的帮助? 签到并询问我们:

自动化销售支持. 规模经营业绩.

培训销售代表是一项专门的任务. Every new starter needs to learn everything about your product, 它运作的复杂性, the nuances of your customer relationship management 和 Tone of Voice, 以及如何推销你的公司风格. In a company that’s scaling rapidly, enabling the volume of new starters can be overwhelming

但你雇了最好的. 你想让他们出去,他们也想去. 除了授权你的新代表,你还能如何授权他们呢?


销售人员通常是高度目标导向的人. They like the clarity of a CRM, 和 the challenge of ambitious KPIs. But every new rep will bring a particular skill set 和 seniority. 如果你在加, 说, 一个月四到五次, underst和ing how to empower every rep to fulfill their ability is a huge task. 每个人需要什么样的培训内容? 如何精确测量 员工绩效? It’s more columns in that ever-exp和ing spreadsheet 和 trying to scan from left to right. It’s checking back that you really have sent the right powerpoints 和 pdfs to the right person. 换句话说,这很有压力.

这就是自动化的用武之地. Say you have multiple paths of sales courses that learners need to take. You want to allocate these in line with each person's sales performance—such as their number of clients, 加勒比海盗, 等. By integrating your LMS with your Sales CRM, you can allocate these courses automatically. You could even allocate courses based on the type of prospect account. For example, triggering enterprise sales training whenever someone is assigned an enterprise account. Figuring out the rules takes some upfront planning, but it saves countless hours down the line.


销售支持不会在入职后停止. 所有员工需要 持续的支持 保持你的高标准. The right automation setup can help your sales reps 和 managers at every stage of their career. Whether it’s someone’s first contract negotiation or their 50th demo, 当时机成熟时,让自动化系统指定一个路线.

假设你的sdm中的一个正在挣扎. 你怎么知道他们在挣扎什么? 是谈判吗?? 产品演示? 投手? Imagine being able to target an individual’s needs to certain trainings. 没有人喜欢错过目标. 通过正确的LMS集成, you can automatically allocate sales training when someone’s targets drop below a certain level. 这可能是你的代表回到正轨所需要的. 从L开始&维角度, you demonstrate a ‘before 和 after’ effect in the process, 帮助更多的人看到 学习的价值.


自动化销售支持培训, integrate your LMS with the plugin you use to measure KPIs 和/or your CRM. Once this integration is live, you can set up automatic enrollments. 事情就是这么简单.

Sana的两个优先考虑的CRM集成是 Salesforce雪花.

如果你在使用其他工具, 保持联系. We’re always open to powerful integrations that help learners achieve their full potential.


两周零7个小时. That’s all it takes to get your CRM or HRIS integrated with Sana.

想象一下它可以释放的时间和潜力. 你将用智能代替电子表格, scalable solutions that let you focus on your most important asset: your people.


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